Pantaloni GUN METAL


Regular price 399,00 lei


Cu un design modern și o croiala care se potriveste oricarei conformatii, pantalonii GUN METAL sunt definitia echilibrului dintre confort si stil. Liniile si finisajele atent lucrate ii transforma intr-o piesa versatila, potrivita atat pentru tinutele casual, cat si pentru cele elegante. Materialele premium si croiala autentica asigura libertate de miscare si un look impecabil in orice context.

Material: 75% vascoza, 20% poliester, 5% elastan

Modelul are 1.83 inaltime si poarta masura M.


The products are delivered by GLS express courier company, the shipping fee is 16 Romanian lei anywhere in Romania. The order arrives in 1-2 working days.
The international delivery is made by DHL and the orders arrives at destination in 24-48 working hours.
For orders placed in Romania you can pay only with romanian lei cash on delivery or online securely via MobilPay.
Payment for international orders is made only online through Mobilpay with your credit card. Unpaid orders are canceled.
The prices displayed on the site contain VAT, but not the transport fee. The invoices issued by Reflectss include delivery charges.
Pantaloni GUN METAL
Pantaloni GUN METAL
Pantaloni GUN METAL
Pantaloni GUN METAL

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